Orthodontic Treatment – Braces

Orthodontic Treatment – Braces

Braces can be used to treat a number of orthodontic problems including overbites, underbites, misaligned teeth, and spacing problems. If your orthodontist has prescribed braces to straighten your teeth and improve the look of your smile, you may be wondering exactly how this treatment works. Read this overview to gain a better understanding of how your braces will correct the placement of your teeth.

Application of Braces

Orthodontic braces are composed of several different components including brackets, an archwire, and ligature elastics. Your orthodontist will bond a bracket onto each tooth with a glue-like material, and then run the archwire through each bracket. Ligature elastics are used to secure the wire to the bracket and are regularly changed when you visit your orthodontist for adjustments. braces San Antonio

Realignment of Teeth

Braces work by gently pulling on your teeth to realign them. The archwire is tightened on a regular basis, putting pressure on the teeth. Over time, this continual pressure moves the teeth into their proper place. Additional components, such as elastics, bands, and spacers, may be used to correct bite issues, create space, or reposition a tooth that is markedly out of place.

Completion of Treatment

Once your orthodontist feels that your teeth have reached their ideal location, it’s time for your braces to come off. You will have to wear a retainer for a period of time to keep your teeth in the correct position. Your orthodontist may use permanent retainers, semi-permanent retainers, or removable retainers to stop your teeth from shifting.

If you or someone in your family requires braces, visit the friendly staff at our Dental Office. We provide residents of the area with comprehensive orthodontic care. Call us to schedule an orthodontic evaluation.

If your front teeth are overcrowded, your orthodontist may recommend a palatal expander to create more space for your teeth. For effective treatment, you’ll need to turn the expander yourself.
Turning your expander is a relatively simple process. Insert the key, turn the screw back towards the roof of your mouth, and remove the key. Make sure you don’t accidentally reverse the screw when you remove the key and ensure that you complete one full turn with each adjustment. Ask your orthodontist if you have questions.

If you need treatment with a palatal expander, visit Our Dental Office. We offer a wide array of orthodontic appliances to correct any problems with your teeth. Call for an appointment today.

Many people can benefit from a visit to an orthodontist to receive comprehensive treatment. If you are wondering if you are one of those people, then here are some signs that you should look for:

Crooked Teeth

If your teeth are crooked, turned, or leaning to one side, you should see an orthodontist for braces. Undergoing treatment can straighten your teeth and give you the healthy, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. It doesn’t matter if you are older—you can still get braces to help you look and feel your best.

An Overbite or Underbite

Some people have jaws that aren’t aligned properly, which leads to overbites or underbites. With orthodontic treatment, your bite misalignment can be corrected. Once your treatment is complete, you’ll have straight teeth that are properly aligned when you close your mouth.

Hard-to-Clean Teeth

If you have teeth that are overlapped, it can be hard to keep them clean. Without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can grow, causing plaque, cavities, and tooth decay, and possibly leading to more serious problems, such as periodontal disease. Braces can correctly align your teeth, allowing you to adequately clean between them and prevent these problems.

Speech Impediment

The position of teeth can affect speech. If you or your child has a speech impediment, braces should be considered to correct any abnormalities in the teeth. Ask your speech therapist for a recommendation regarding orthodontic treatment.

Sleep Apnea

Much in the same way that braces can help with speech problems, they can also help with sleep apnea. Sometimes, the position of teeth can hinder proper breathing at night, which can lead to sleep apnea. An orthodontist can help move teeth into their correct locations, making breathing easier.

If you believe that you or your child could benefit from braces, contact our Dental Office. We provide orthodontic treatment for families living in the area. Call to set up an appointment today.

While braces may be the first thing that pops into your mind when you consider orthodontic treatment, there are a number of other appliances that your orthodontist may employ to improve the alignment of your teeth.

Here is an overview of the different kinds of appliances your orthodontist may use:

Elastic Bands

Elastic bands may be used in conjunction with the brackets on braces or with a temporary anchorage device (TAD) to help teeth move into their correct positions. These bands can move the jaw forward or backward, and the TAD can help move specific teeth. The use of braces or a TAD can sometimes prevent the need for more noticeable orthodontic appliances, like headgear.

Palatal Expander

If your teeth are too crowded or if the rows of your teeth are not in alignment with each other, your orthodontist may use a palatal expander to help widen your upper jaw. This allows your mouth to better accommodate your teeth, helping prevent the need for tooth extractions. Once the jaw is adequately expanded, you may need to continue to use the appliance for a few months to ensure that your teeth stay in their proper place.


For some people, headgear is a necessary orthodontic appliance. Headgear may only need to be worn at night and can be used to correct severe overbites and underbites. The headgear appliance puts gentle pressure on the teeth to stop them from growing forward, reducing the appearance of over and underbites.


A forsus may be used when the upper teeth jut forward too much or when using other appliances, such as headgear, is not an option. This orthodontic appliance is attached to braces and works to pull the top teeth into alignment with the lower teeth.

If you are looking for an orthodontist in the area, visit the professionals at our Dental Office. We can provide the orthodontic treatment you need for a beautiful smile. For an appointment, call us today.