Cosmetic Dentistry – Get A Great Smile Back

Cosmetic Dentistry – Get A Great Smile Back

Using a combination of advanced cosmetic dentistry procedures, we create beautiful, white smiles for patients who are not satisfied with the condition of their teeth. Below you will find introductions to our most popular procedures. Find more information here @

Teeth Whitening
One of the simplest and most dramatic things you can do to improve the appearance of your smile is to have teeth whitening performed. Over time, substances such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, and tobacco can all leave ugly stains on our enamel. Teeth whitening can reverse those effects, whitening teeth by five to 10 shades! Zoom™ is a simple, in-office whitening system that takes two hours to perform. A hydrogen peroxide gel is applied to the teeth and is then activated by a patented, blue-spectrum light. Results are immediate and impressive. We also offer a take-home whitening system. The Nite White tooth whitening system consists of a custom-fitted appliance that is filled with bleaching gel and worn at night over the teeth. Nite White gel, a solution containing 10 percent carbamide peroxide, safely and gently whitens teeth over the course of two to four weeks, depending on each patient’s needs.cosmetic dentistry

Dental Bonding
A fast, effective alternative to veneers and crowns, dental bonding produces exceptional results in as little as a single office visit. During the procedure, a strong tooth-colored resin material is placed onto your tooth. The material is then sculpted and polished it until it is indistinguishable from your surrounding natural teeth. When exposed to high-intensity ultraviolet light, the resin hardens, and the procedure is complete. The bonding material, while not as durable or stain-resistant as the porcelain used in veneers and crowns, will endure for years with proper care. This is an in-office procedure that provides immediate results with minimal intrusion.

Porcelain Veneers
Changing the appearance of your smile is easier than ever with porcelain veneers. Veneers are thin layers of tooth-colored material that can be bonded to your teeth to change their shape, size, alignment, or color. Porcelain veneers can repair chips and cracks, hide discoloration, and straighten crooked teeth. They look completely natural and very little tooth structure needs to be removed in order for them to be placed. Veneers are an excellent way to achieve a beautiful smile.

Porcelain crowns – or caps, as they are sometimes called – are an excellent way to repair and strengthen badly damaged teeth. When a tooth is broken or has become weakened by a large filling or root canal treatment, it may be repaired by placing a crown, fabricated by an outside laboratory. By strengthening these weaker teeth, a crown effectively eliminates pain, sensitivity, and difficulty with chewing and speaking. Crowns are made of either metal with porcelain overlay or all-ceramic material. Crowns protect you teeth from further breakdown and improve the function as well as the appearance of the tooth.

Inlays and onlays are porcelain or composite restorations that are bonded to the tooth. An inlay is stronger than a regular “white” filling, as it is fabricated by a laboratory technician. Inlays and onlays are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth and discreetly restore teeth to an optimal state of health. An onlay, when possible, is a more conservative treatment than a

If you tend to hide your smile because of missing teeth, dental implants could be the answer. Tooth loss due to injury, disease, or infection can make speaking and eating difficult. Dental implants are the most durable way of replacing missing teeth. An implant, essentially an artificial tooth root to which a new crown can be attached, can successfully replace a single tooth or all of your natural teeth. The dental implant procedure involves three phases. During the first phase, we place the implant, usually made of titanium, into your jawbone. It then requires a period of healing that lasts for several months. Finally, we attach a new crown to the implant, giving you a strong, natural-looking new tooth. Implants are an excellent solution to tooth replacement as they help to retain existing bone levels. More here @ McOmie Implant Dentistry

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